From 2024

CFSC's Transformative Justice Program Coordinator Karen Ridd stands in the a quiet street looking at the camera and smiling

An interview with our newest staff member, Karen Ridd

Matt: Welcome to CFSC, Karen! What’s surprised you about your work here so far? Karen: Thanks! I’m delighted to have joined CFSC! One great surprise actually happened during my interview for this position. I’d come prepared to suggest a name change away from talking about “criminal justice” work towards something that doesn’t stigmatize people who…

In a UN building CFSC's General Secretary Jennifer Preston smiles at the camera while to her right Paul Joffe (long-time legal counsel with the Cree Nation Government/Grand Council of the Crees) works on his laptop.

The UN Declaration has shaped my life for 25 years

CFSC staff have a book club. Recently we finished reading and discussing Realizing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Triumph, Hope, and Action. I co-edited this book with CFSC associate, and long-time legal counsel with the Cree Nation Government/Grand Council of the Crees, Paul Joffe, and then staff at the First Nations…

An abstract watercolour painting in light hues above the words "Guaranteed Liveable Basic Income"

Could a guaranteed liveable basic income help reduce incarceration?

You probably believe in a Guaranteed Basic Income, too!” the voice on the other end of the phone said mockingly. Guaranteed Basic Income? Actually, I’d never heard of that before—but it immediately struck me as a good idea. I was a new mother at the time, calling my provincial Premier to raise concerns about the…

Protesters in Toronto hold up signs calling for Canada to support a ceasefire in Gaza, Dec 2023

Canada’s about-face on Gaza shows people power at work

Canadian Friends have shown their concern and support for the people of Israel, Palestine, and particularly Gaza, strongly over the past six months, and it has been heartening to see. Since the October 7th, 2023, Hamas attack and taking of Israeli hostages, Israel has led an ongoing assault on Gaza. This has been truly devastating.…

Keeping up with Friends

Keeping up with Friends

Latest joint statements Eight Quaker agencies, including CFSC, came together in mid-April to issue a new joint statement and calls to action for a just peace in Israel/Palestine. There are specific actions called for from Israel, Hamas, the Western governments, and Friends. You can read the statement and Quaker groups can endorse it: On…

Children walk down train tracks with the words "Friends on the Move"

Friends on the move

CFSC has been honoured to work consistently with international human rights lawyer, Paul Joffe (pictured in Jenn’s article), who has recently retired after 50 years at the bar. Paul’s extraordinary commitment to the UN Declaration and Indigenous peoples’ human rights is humbling. CFSC staff Jennifer Preston hosted a small retirement dinner for Paul in Montreal.…

A screening of s-yéwyáw: Awaken became all the more powerful as the film team honoured a shishalh elder who is in the film and passed away the week before the Vancouver screening. Photo submitted by Alfonso Salinas.

Cultural revitalization in action: CFSC’s Reconciliation Fund

As you may know, CFSC’s Reconciliation Fund supports the grassroots, community-based efforts of Indigenous peoples in Canada working on cultural and language revitalization projects. Modest grants of up to $2,500 are typically awarded to individuals or groups that have not found funding elsewhere, and contribute towards the costs of cultural ceremonies, Elder or knowledge holder…

A desk with papers, a pair of glasses, and a water bottle with Canadian Friends Service Committee's logo and the text "Peace (n): A way of life"

Cultivating peace at Canadian Friends Service Committee

Every day brings new possibilities for peace. We are all connected. Our world has an urgent need to focus more on preventing violent conflict, particularly through emphasizing the importance of peace education. Peace education is how I first became aware of CFSC. I joined CFSC’s Are We Done Fighting? workshop series and met participants who…

Project Ploughshares logo

Project Ploughshares: a peace organization supported by Friends

Bill Curry and I became Quakers effortlessly. We just got sucked into the Canadian community, attracted by its actions assisting US draft resisters, army deserters, and others objecting to the Vietnam war. In 1968 we attended a peace retreat led largely by Murray Thomson. Murray was enthusiastic about a new project. He was thrilled about…