From Winter 2025

Winter 2025 edition of Canadian Friends Service Committee’s newsletter Quaker Concern

The time for a guaranteed livable basic income is now

Poverty is increasing in Canada, and income inequality has reached the highest levels in recorded history. These problems are having a major collective impact and as such, require a collective solution. This is an issue that intersects across all areas of Canadian Friends Service Committee’s work, leading us to speak out—in solidarity with many networks,…

A fact sheet from Canadian Friends Service Committee corrects myths about guaranteed livable basic income

Breaking free: a guaranteed livable basic income and transformative justice

Darla” is currently incarcerated in a federal institution in Canada. She deeply loves her three children. She also struggles with mental health issues. She’s concerned about her upcoming release from incarceration. She’s not sure how she’ll pay for food and shelter for her family, and is afraid that she won’t be able to access the…

An artwork with hanging beads and an Indigenous woman's face printed on them titled "Every One" by Cannupa Hanska Luger.

Guaranteed livable basic income as justice: addressing colonial inequality

CFSC envisions a world in which dignity, justice, peace, human rights, and harmonious relationships with creation are fostered and upheld. We hold this vision for all Peoples, including Indigenous Peoples. In Canada these have not been upheld equally. It’s worth considering the relationship between our advocacy for a Guaranteed Livable Basic Income (GLBI) and this…

Children walk down train tracks with the words "Friends on the Move"

Friends on the move

Transformative Justice Program Coordinator Karen Ridd was present at the National Restorative Justice Symposium in Ottawa (CFSC was one of the sponsors), as well as speaking to Ottawa Monthly Meeting together with CFSC’s Government Relations Representative Sandra Wiens. Karen will be presenting to Halifax Meeting (virtually) at the beginning of February. Karen and Jeremy Vander…

Keeping up with Friends

Keeping up with Friends

Weekly tips for better conflicts We’re excited to offer a fresh series of short tips for better conflicts. Years in the making, this series distills expert knowledge on what works in difficult conversations down to simple bite-sized videos. It’s a calendar, one tip to reflect on each week for a year. Download all of the…