Tagged Friends on the move

Friends on the Move shares the recent travels of Canadian Friends Service Committee in carrying out our peace and social justice work. Our newsletter Quaker Concern comes out three times a year and each edition includes this brief section Friends on the Move.

This section describes our journies to realize our mission. CFSC alleviates suffering and develops transformative and sustainable approaches to human rights, justice, and peace. We act through practical assistance, research, education, and policy dialogues.

Our vision is a world in which dignity, justice, peace, human rights, and harmonious relationships with creation are fostered and upheld.

Quakers seek to experience and answer to that of God in all creation. In living out this experience, CFSC’s values are rooted in the Quaker testimonies of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, and respect for all creation.

Friends on the Move

In May the CFSC staffing model was revised. We affirm our ongoing relationship with Jane Orion Smith, who is unable to return to her duties as General Secretary at this time due to a head injury sustained in 2015. Jane Orion’s readiness to return to work will continue to be assessed jointly with her medical…

Friends on the Move

We are happy to welcome Maggie Sager, who will serve as CFSC’s Summer Program Assistant from May to August. Maggie will not only support the smooth functioning of the office here at Friends House in Toronto, but will also provide direct assistance to the program committees as they do CFSC’s service work. Maggie is pursuing…

Friends on the Move

We warmly welcome new CFSC members Joy Morris (Calgary Meeting) and Linda Taffs (Vancouver Island Meeting) who were both approved to join CFSC at Representative Meeting in November. For a complete list of CFSC’s current members visit http://quakerservice.ca/contact   We were saddened to learn of the death of Cree Elder Jerry Wood whose picture was…