Friends on the Move
At the end of April and beginning of May, multiple members of CFSC once again participated (virtually) in the two-week sessions of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. The Coalition on the Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples had a joint statement which was presented by Sheryl Lightfoot (you can read the statement at
Indigenous Rights Program Coordinator Jennifer Preston was interviewed by an antiracism podcast about partnership with Indigenous peoples. Jenn explained what sometimes over-used words like “reconciliation” and “decolonization” mean, practically speaking. She outlined how everyday non-Indigenous people in Canada can get started on the work of reconciliation and relationship building. Listen to the audio at:
In May Jennifer gave a virtual presentation to the Salvation Army Church in Canada on how the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples has shaped CFSC’s work with Canadian Quakers.
In July Jennifer attended the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) in person at the UN in Geneva! After being away from the UN for almost three years, this was invigorating! CFSC participated in a joint statement (see, a side event, attended the Ambassador’s breakfast at the Canadian Mission, and with the Quaker UN Office (QUNO), hosted our annual EMRIP dinner at Quaker House. We also hosted a dinner meeting of the Global Indigenous Rights Research network. Meeting with the QUNO staff team was a pleasure.

Jennifer Preston and staff of QUNO Geneva.
Peace Program Coordinator Kerry Grier was in Sorrento, BC to take part in Western Half Yearly Meeting. She facilitated a session on peaceful communication and breaking down barriers between people.
Communications Coordinator Matt Legge was on the To Save The World podcast in what turned out to be a wide-ranging discussion. Later in the show Matt talked about CFSC’s book Are We Done Fighting? and some examples of platforms that promote constructive disagreements amidst the hate and radicalization taking place on much of social media:
Matt also gave a presentation and answered questions for an online conflict transformation class organized by Mennonite Central Committee.
Saba Narvel has joined CFSC as a short-term practicum student. Saba is doing research and supporting development of educational resources and planning of events related to the children of incarcerated parents. Saba has previously been an Education Consultant and Trainer at the Centre for Disability Management, Inclusion, and Empowerment in Mumbai, India, and Assistant Professor at the Department of Special Education, SNDT Women’s University (also in Mumbai).